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(Picture Credit: Audi Santoso / EyeEm/Getty Images)

9 Excited Cats Who Can’t Wait To Open Christmas Presents [VIDEOS]

Opening presents on Christmas morning can be very exciting. However, make sure you don’t leave your kitty out of the gift giving experience — they are a part of your family, after all!

Not only will your cat feel more loved, but their reaction to getting gifts will be priceless and definitely make your Christmas ten times better.

You’re going to want to have the camera ready because when cats open Christmas presents, they do it in very dramatic fashion, like the cats in the videos below. Merry Christmas to you and your cats!

1. Cats Tear It Up

It’s Christmas morning for these cats, which can only mean one thing: it’s time to open their stockings, of course.

Their human has decorated three personalized stockings for his kitties, but once the cats start digging into their stockings, the decorations don’t seem to matter. They start ripping and tearing, as cats do.

Being cats and all, they seem to be more interested in the decorations on the stockings themselves than the actual toys.

2. Wampa Gets A Doggy Assist

It’s Wampa the kitty’s first Christmas and first time opening her present. However, Wampa has to share Christmas with her doggy friend, which means the gift opening becomes a team effort.

When Wampa opens her gift, her dog friend is there, ready to be of assistance. After some teamwork and back and forth, Wampa and her dog friend eventually open the present.

However, it seems that Wampa is more interested in playing with and attacking her buddy than her actual present!

3. Charlie Rips In

Charlie the cat is definitely ready for his Christmas present. He’s not playing around with his gift and knows exactly what he wants and how he is going to get it. He doesn’t just calmly inspect his gift, but rather goes straight in for the kill.

Charlie starts biting and ripping and tearing the present, kicking it with his back legs like it’s a toy, itself. Just like any other cat, he gets distracted along the way by the paper. However, in the end, he gets his gift and is just as excited about it as he was about actually opening it.

4. Too Cute! Baby Kitten Opening First Christmas Presents

This kitten is opening Christmas presents for the first time and needs a little assistance. He is a bit unsure of what do, so his humans step in and help him tear the first gift open. Then, kitty realizes what Christmas presents are all about.

By the time he gets the second present, he’s ready to go. He immediately starts tearing into the present, ripping the paper all by himself, making a huge mess in the process and leaving shreds everywhere.

Kitty was so excited, though, and it was his first Christmas. How can anyone be mad?

5. Harvey Has A Blast

Harvey the cat absolutely loves Christmas. He’s determined to open his Christmas present, no matter what. Harvey is super focused and never takes his eyes off the prize.

The way this cat opens gifts shows just how much of a pro at Christmas he really is. Harvey has definitely opened many Christmas presents in the past based on his skills. He never loses track of what his mission is and never gives up on his present.

After lots of persistence, he has success! He definitely could teach some other cats the art of opening presents.

6. Frosti & Choco Team Up

Frosti, the black and white kitty, and Choco, the white kitty, open their Christmas present with some teamwork.

At first they both inspect the present with their noses, as cats do. After consulting together on what the next best move is to tackle the present, together they decide that maybe their human should help them out.

With some extra assistance, these two cats learn that the mystery item wrapped in the paper is actually something they want to play with after all — an infinity cat toy! Teamwork does pay off.

7. Jasper Won’t ‘Let It Go’

Jasper the cat loves his Christmas present so much that he won’t let go. After successfully tearing into his gift and biting and ripping the paper, his human wants to take the present so she can unhinge it from its package.

Jasper, however, is probably thinking, “I worked so hard to open this present! Please don’t take it away from me!”

Jasper is so excited that he’s already ready to play, but what he doesn’t realize is that the gift is still attached to the cardboard.

His human hilariously tries to pull it away, but, alas, does not succeed. Jasper amusingly doesn’t realize that she is only trying to help.

8. Fendi Plays Wrapping Paper Games

It’s time for Fendi the Bengal cat to open his Christmas presents. But instead of just opening his present, Fendi turns the actual opening into a game, itself. As he rips open the present, he decides it’s more fun to bite and chew the paper rather than continue opening it.

The struggle of every cat parent is that their cat would probably rather have paper for Christmas than their actual gift!

For his second present, Fendi won’t open it unless it’s made into a game, of course. So his human hides under the present and makes it move, tempting Fendi to attack it. I mean, a gift isn’t fun to a cat unless it’s moving, right?

9. Cat Claws Christmas Gift

This cat isn’t messing around with Christmas. He doesn’t just open his present peacefully, but instead starts attacking it like it is some type of creature he’s trying to kill!

He holds on to the present like it’s his prey, wagging his tail, kicking it with his back legs, and biting it ferociously. Don’t get this cat something expensive for Christmas because you’ll be wasting your money. Any gift that gets into this cat’s paws will be instantly destroyed!

Did you get your cat a gift this year? Did your kitty open Christmas presents on their own like these cats did? Let us know and leave a comment below!

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