NEW YORK, NY - JULY 16: Oskar the Blind Cat attends the "Cat Summer" video launch party at Bleecker Street Records on July 16, 2014 in New York City.
(Picture Credit: Jenny Anderson/WireImage/Getty Images)

5 Stories Of Less Adoptable Cats & The Humans Who Adopted Them & Never Regretted It [VIDEOS]

In honor of Adopt A Less Adoptable Pet Week, we’re sharing stories of less adoptable cats whose humans found out these special cats were the perfect fit for their homes!

Don’t be surprised if these stories inspire you to make similar adoption choices in the future. That’s exactly what we are hoping for!

Help us spread these positive stories during Adopt A Less Adoptable Pet Week, which happens from September 19th to the 25th in 2021. Maybe we can encourage more people to give cats like these a chance!

1. Hunter & Jayden

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Nancie Lynne Vollmar and her husband had eleven “fur babies,” including three special needs animals: a dog, Jeni, and two cats, Hunter and Jayden.

Hunter was a purebred, doll-faced Persian with only three legs. Nancie told CatTime that she and her husband wondered how Hunter, at 16 weeks, would do with their other active pets, but they took a chance and adopted him. He fit in perfectly and didn’t let anything stop him!

“He did have some missteps and realized early on he couldn’t get on tabletops or counters,” Nancie said, “but he was smart and found a way whenever possible, by climbing on chairs or sofas that sat close.”

They made things easier for Hunter by having wide pet stairs in front windows and the bed, and high-sided litterboxes with low entrances. Nancie said he’s no more work than a regular cat, barely costs more to care for, and is super social and always purring.

Their great experience with Hunter encouraged them to adopt Jayden, a flat-faced Persian who was partially blind in one eye and was sick and malnourished when adopted. After coming home, Jayden started to jump, snag insects, and chase red dots like any other cat!

Nancie is a big proponent of adopting special needs cats. She said it takes commitment and home adjustments, but it’s worth it.

“Don’t overlook special needs or senior animals needing a loving home,” she said. “These babies are the most appreciative, loving animals on the earth. It doesn’t take a special person to adopt a special needs or senior pet, it just takes you.”

2. Monty The Sweet Cat With A Chromosomal Abnormality

Mikala Klein and Michael Bjørn, from Denmark, adopted Monty back in August 2013. In an interview with CatTime, Mikala talked about how much they loved Monty and were so glad they opened their home for a special needs cat.

Monty had a chromosomal abnormality that caused his face to look different from normal cats — but still very cute! His bladder also sometimes leaked, especially when he’d sleep, so they’d keep a soft pee pad underneath him.

Monty was a sweet and loving cat who had a lot of fun. For example, Mikala told CatTime that every morning, he’d meow to be put on the top shelf of their closet. He liked to hang out there for awhile, surveying the world, and then meowed to be taken down.

Mikala advises others who are considering adopting a special needs cat to just do it! “It can be tough, I will tell you that,” Mikala said. “But in the end it’s all worth it. You get so much love in return.”

3. Ralphee And Max

Ralphee had feline cerebellar hypoplasia. This rare condition means the cerebellum is underdeveloped at birth, so the cat’s head “wobbles” frequently, and they may walk like they’re drunk.

The condition doesn’t get worse and may actually improve. These cats also have the same life expectancy as any other cat.

Ralphee was rescued from a horse stable and brought to his human’s home in Queensland, Australia. The pet parent said that their dog Max adopted Ralphee almost immediately and always looked out for him. Ralphee liked to cause trouble, and Max was very protective.

The duo became an Internet sensation, and their human doesn’t regret the decision to rescue the cute little kitten! You can see a video of Ralphee and Max from when Max was just five weeks old here.

4. Caffrey The Amazing Two-Legged Cat

Caffrey, a black Persian, was an absolutely amazing cat who could run around with just two legs. He brought a lot of joy to his human, Sue Greaves, who cared for him and provided the best home possible for more than a decade.

When she first adopted him, he only had three legs after being hit by a car. But after about ten years, he had a malignant growth on one of his three legs and had to have it amputated.

Sue was terrified that he wouldn’t be able to get around, but within just days of his surgery, Caffrey had figured out how to balance and run around the garden on his own. She said that he doesn’t seem bothered at all by just having two legs.

5. Oskar The Blind Cat

Oskar’s humans loved Oskar so much that they devoted a Facebook page to him that gained hundreds of thousands of followers!

Oskar was a blind cat with severe microphthalmia, which prevented his eyes from fully developing. He was adopted at about two months old.

Despite being blind, the cat was happy and led a full life. His parents say that he functioned perfectly in their home, and many people who visited didn’t even realize that he couldn’t see!

Have you adopted a less adoptable cat? Will you help spread these cats’ stories for Adopt A Less Adoptable Pet Week? We’d love for you to share photos and your story with us in the comments below!


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