September 28th is known as Ask A Stupid Question Day. If you’re considering adopting a cat, the feeling of wanting to ask a “stupid” question is one you might know well, especially if you didn’t grow up in a feline-friendly home.
But in the spirit of this odd hashtag holiday, no question is too silly to ask, especially before taking on the commitment of adopting a cat!
Here are three things first-time cat parents might be relieved to know the answers to on Ask A Stupid Question Day!
How Many Litter Boxes Do I Need?

If you’re getting one cat, then obviously you need just the one litter box. But if you’re looking to bring two or more kitties home, the standard rule is that you need the same amount of litter boxes as cats, plus one more.
So, for example, two cats should have three litter boxes available.
The idea is that cats can be territorial about where they do their business, and this way, you’ll always have a box open, as it were. Not to mention it’s good to have a spare litter box for emergencies and travel situations.
Hairballs — What Are Those About, & Should I Be Worried?

You might have heard of hairballs, but the first time you see your cat puking one up, you’ll probably think something is seriously wrong. Your cat will heave and wheeze and seem like they’re in pain, and then they’ll regurgitate what looks like a small, slimy sausage.
This is natural. As cats groom themselves, hair can end up in their digestive tract, so the occasional hairball is to be expected. It’s nothing to worry about, but you can always check in with your vet if you’re concerned.
You can help minimize this by partaking in regular grooming sessions.
But do keep an eye on your cat to make sure they’re not vomiting too often. This can definitely be a sign that something is amiss, and you should bring it to the attention of your vet.
Do I Have To Cut My Cat’s Nails?

While cats are naturally clean and self-grooming creatures, vets and groomers often recommend that you trim a cat’s nails every couple of weeks. Unfortunately, the downside to this is that not only do most cats not enjoy having their nails trimmed, but those nails grow back quickly.
Another school of thought suggests skipping nail trimming in favor of making sure your cat has lots of options to scratch, like scratching posts and corrugated cardboard contraptions, which can help keep their nails in check in a more natural way.
Do you have a stupid question to ask about cats? Are there any other things new cat parents should know about on Ask A Stupid Question Day? Let us know in the comments below!