Cat Logic Makes Perfect Sense This is how cats see the world. It might not make sense to us humans, but it is perfectly logical…
Meet Sam, The Cat With Eyebrows We've all seen people drawing eyebrows on their dog or cat, but a cat named Sam was born with quite…
Cat Burglar Steals $1000 In Seafood: Becomes A Celebrity Russian stray cat breaks into a seafood restaurant and helps herself to $1,000 in seafood. The story went viral and…
Didga The Cat’s Radical Biking Adventure Most cats would not be interested in going out on a bike with all the sounds and traffic and people…
Can Cats Detect Cancer In Humans? During their usual snuggle Lucy's behavior was different and she pressed her head into Moore's left breast. That's when Moore…
Pondering The Rainbow Bridge: Do Pets Go To Heaven? I'm not a particularly spiritual or religious person. My beliefs have me rooted in the here and now, not the…
Rescue Pets Only Apartment Building In Los Angeles Is A Haven For Responsible Pet Owners To live here, you must own a dog or a cat. Up to 2 dogs of any size and as…
Mama Cat Nurses Pit Bull Pup [VIDEO] A cat with four newborns to feed made room for an unfortunate Pit Bull puppy, who had been rejected by…
Chihuahua Cares For Orphaned Kittens What the kittens needed was a mom, and they found one in the most unlikely candidate: a dog.
Pet Expenses That Are Tax-Deductible Pets are mostly a personal expense and not tax-deductible, but there are a few exceptions to the rule that you…
Cat Gets Revenge On Horrible Owner It's one thing to kick a cat out of a chair or place you'd like to sit, but you can…