Not that one would need a reason in the first place, but cat owners should give their felines a hug on June 4th, because it’s National Hug Your Cat Day.
National Hug Your Cat Day is celebrated by giving your feline extra love and attention — whether by devoting more time to your cat, having a backyard picnic, preparing homemade treats, or just snuggling with your kitty. Some studies have even shown that hugging an animal can actual lower a human hugger’s blood pressure. It’s good for your kitty, and it’s good for you too!
The origin of the holiday is unknown.
For those of you who don’t have a cat, June is also Adopt a Shelter Cat Month. Just imagine — once you get a cat, you can hug it just like everyone else who has one.
So stop reading this and hug your cat — you’ll both feel better.