All cats shed fur, just not the same amount; as there are felines that shed lots of fur, there are cats that shed a small amount (a few have no fur to shed). Here are 17 cat breeds who shed the least.
1. Bengal Cats

2. Bombay Cats
3. Burmese Cats
4. Colorpoint Shorthair Cats
5. Cornish Rex Cats
6. Devon Rex Cats*
7. European Burmese
8. Korat Cats*
9. LaPerm Cats
10. Ocicat Cats
11. Siamese Cats
12. Singapura Cats
13. Somali Cats
14. Sphynx Cats*
15. Tonkinese Cats
16. Turkish Angora Cats
17. Turkish Van Cats
* Scored the lowest with a one-star, or Minimal, rating.