Hopefully by now you’ve got all of your ducks in a row for tax season. If you’re ahead of the game, not only have you filed your taxes, but you probably–hopefully–have a big fat rebate headed your way.
Logic dictates that you should put it into savings or use it to pay off your credit card, but your cat has some other ideas.
Here are ten ridiculous–but totally necessary–things to buy your kitty with that refund.
1. Cat Tank–For The Adventurous Cat

If your cat is always on the lookout for enemy forces, this cardboard cat tank is just the thing they’ll need to seek and destroy all of their little kitty enemies.
It’s easy to put together and a major photo op.
2. Sebastian Modern Cat Tree–For The Hip, Trendy Cat

Traditional cat trees can be so blasé.
This modern cat tree provides the dignity every cat craves, along with a fun place for your cat to hang out and secret places to scratch, hide and snooze.
3. PetSafe Pounce Cat Toy–For The Cat Who’s Gotta Get That Thing

Most cats have one goal, and that is to GET THAT THING! Whatever that thing is.
This toy will drive your cat crazy with delight and give them a great workout with lots of stimulation.
4. Catnip Bouncy Bubbles–For The Easily Entertained Cat

Is there anything more satisfying than watching your cat roll around in ecstasy as they play with catnip?
Combine that with bubbles, and you have a doubly adorable, oh-so-cute situation.
5. Self-Cleaning Litter Box–For The Tidy Cat

Good news, cat lovers! The future IS HERE.
More than just a litter box, this machine will scoop your kitty’s poop all by itself into a tidy receptacle. You just tie the bag and toss it!
It’s so advanced, it’s basically the Death Star of cat poop.
6. SmartCat Peek and Play Toy Box–For The Child-At-Heart Cat

This fun toy is like whack-a-mole for cats!
This is 100 percent necessary, even if you didn’t get a refund. At least it will be, according to your kitty!
7. Hepper Pod Cat Bed–For The Recluse Cat

If your cat enjoys their privacy and being in high places, this raised cat pod will be their new favorite hang out palace.
It also has a sleek modern design, so you don’t have to look like a crazy cat lady–unless you want to.
8. Kitty Kaviar–For The Ritzy Kitty

You know you’re going off the deep end of cat obsession when your cat is eating better than you are.
If you get this for your cat, you are the best cat mommy/daddy ever.
9. Pet Cube–For The Extra Playful Cat

This nifty little box lets you take videos and pictures of your kitty while you’re not home. It’s great for keeping an eye on things.
Plus, it has a built-in laser pointer. That way you can play with your kitty, even when you’re not at home!
10. Cat Senses Play Circuit–For The Fun-Loving Kitty

This toy will provide hours of fun for any cat.
If your kitty could take your credit card out of your wallet, go to Amazon, and buy this right now, you know they would.
Don’t fear or put off doing your taxes–get on it! Hopefully you will get a refund that you can spend on fun things for you and your cat. If not, you can always Internet window shop!
What would your cat spend your tax refund on? Let us know in the comments below!
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