Cat And German Shepherd: Enough Is Enough [VIDEO] Cat gets affection from a German Shepherd...until the feline decides she’s had enough.
Wanna Go To Veterinary School? A Vet’s Perspective On Getting In Now You read that right. It's getting easier to get into veterinary school. OK, so it's only a titch less taxing…
20 Million Pet Owners Expected To Spend $350 Million On Their Pets This Halloween Will you be dressing your cat up for Halloween?
Best Cat Names Looking for the perfect name for your cat?'s comprehensive list of feline names features monikers by breed, theme, and…
Pet Safety During Halloween Halloween night can be fun for humans, but for pets it can be a very scary time; check out these…
Cat Has A Birthday For A Good Cause & You’re Invited The resident feline has job duties that include, napping and looking adorable.
Feral Cats: What To Do With Them: The Debate Heats Up Nationwide Are feral cats taking the lives of 2.4 billion birds and 12.3 billion mammals every year? One group says they…
PAWMICON: Comic-Con San Diego Gets One-Upped By Pups & Kitties In PAWSplay For the third year in a row, the animal rescue group is making a super HULK SMASH in order to…
He’s No Scaredy Cat: Fearless House Cat Meets Mountain Lion [VIDEO] Insane video of a mountain lion paying a visit to someone's back yard and their cat just stands there. Does…
Scientific Proof: Cat Videos Make People Happy & Increase Productivity Scientific study proves what we've known all along. It's going to be important to send this article to your boss…
OMG! Cat Stows Away On Flight Hangs On Tight [VIDEO] Insane video of a cat who got more than he bargained for when he took a nap on an open-cockpit…
Dog cares for white lion cub The most unlikely of playmates: A sweet Pointer mix takes a liking to a white lion cub who was rejected…