Cat sleeping on laptop
(Picture Credit: Anna Spysz / Getty Images)

5 Cats Who Will Still Interrupt You On ‘No Interruptions Day’ [VIDEOS]

All around the world, December 31st is celebrated as New Year’s Eve. But did you know that the date is also officially recognized as No Interruptions Day?

It sounds like an occasion to enter a period of calm and quiet reflection; although, your cat might have other ideas.

Here’s a video round up of ways cats are plotting to go out of their way to interrupt us humans on No Interruptions Day.

1. Laptop Intruders

Whether you’re attempting to catch up on some work or do a spot of online shopping, it’s a guarantee that as soon as you pull out the laptop and start to type, your cat will decide that they really need to sit on the keyboard.

2. Yoga Meddlers

Thinking about finally getting around to starting the day with some yoga sessions and stretches at home? Nice idea, but your cat likely has other thoughts.

Yep, as soon as you roll out the mat and begin to stretch, your feline will do everything possible to get in the way of your routine.

3. Binge Watching Destroyers

Got yourself a brand new television over the holidays? Planning to start the new year by catching up on some all important binge watching?

Well, just make sure your TV is securely attached or mounted, lest your cat decides to get a little rowdy with it.

4. Book Nappers

Maybe you’ve decided that No Interruptions Day should really be all about enjoying the charms of that new book you picked up but have yet to start reading.

Great idea — just make sure those pages don’t seem like a prime napping spot for your feline.

5. Cat Alarm Clocks

Finally, let the record show that if you are planning to catch up on some sleep or even sneak in a well deserved nap, your cat is fully prepared to wake you up in all manner of wonderful ways.

Does your kitty love to interrupt everything you do? How will your cat be celebrating No Interruptions Day? Let us know in the comments below!


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