The Best Cat Parents [VIDEO] Cat parents do most of the stuff human parents do, like comfort the kids when they’re scared, keep them safe,…
Fishermen Land The Cutest Catch Of The Day: Two Kittens The fishermen pulled two little kittens out of the water instead of fish! You can start making your “catfishing” jokes…
Cat Survives Fall From Building During Weird Rescue Attempt [VIDEO] So the cat did an imitation of Spider-Man and climbed the side of the building to try to get away.…
Mysterious Marbled Cat Caught On Camera, Plus The 10 Rarest Cats In The World [GALLERY] The Marbled Cat of Southeast Asia is one of the most mysterious cat species in the world. Meet this amazing…
Max The Roomba Cat Passed Away At Age 15 Max the Roomba Cat, known for his viral videos where he wore a shark costume and rode a Roomba, passed…
New San Francisco Law Requires All Pet Stores To Sell Rescue Cats And Dogs Only San Francisco's new law bans the sale of puppy mill and kitten factory animals within the city, as well as…
Deadly, Highly-Contagious Cat Virus Returns To Australia After 40 Years An outbreak of feline panleukopenia virus is threatening cat populations in Australia. The contagious, deadly disease is resurfacing due to…
Cat With Its Head Stuck In Car Grille Saved When Police Pull Over The Driver A driver thought he was being pulled over for speeding, but the officer was stopping him because a cat had…
USDA Removes Database Of Animal Welfare Violators Including Kitten And Puppy Mills The USDA took down its public database of violations of the Animal Welfare Act, which was used to hold organizations…
Cat With Huge Face Tumor Saved From Death Row Gets Surgery And A New Life Keta the cat was given a second chance when a rescue group pulled her from death row and got surgeons…
Woman Dragging Cat Tasers Bystander Who Called Her Out For Abuse And Flees Authorities are looking for information about a woman caught on camera dragging a cat by the neck for several blocks.…
Cat With Five Pounds Of Matted Fur Becomes Internet Star Sinbad the cat was brought to The Anti-Cruelty Society in Chicago covered in five pounds of fur, dirt, and dust.…