Police Officer Rescues Adorable New Kitten Partner Named Squirt A police officer took home an orange tabby kitten after a fellow officer found it beneath a dumpster in the…
Pet Expenses That Are Tax-Deductible Pets are mostly a personal expense and not tax-deductible, but there are a few exceptions to the rule that you…
Man Cuts His Truck Open To Save Cat Trapped Inside A man heard purring coming from his truck, so he used sheet metal cutters to carve a hole in the…
New St. Louis Cat Cafe Lets You Have Tea Time With Felines St. Louis welcomes a new cafe for cat lovers. The Mauhaus Cafe and Lounge is set to open next year…
6 Ways To Deactivate A Cat [VIDEOS] Did you know that cats have an on and off switch? Learn where your cat's off switch is.
Cat Survives Highway Ride In Car’s Engine Compartment A cat lived through a trip on the highway hiding in the engine compartment of a car. Firefighters disassembled part…
Male Cat Protects Abandoned Kittens From Cold And Rain [RESCUED] Animal shelter workers responded to a call about abandoned kittens and their mama, but when they brought the family in,…
Missing Cat From Illinois Found More Than 700 Miles Away In North Carolina When a family's cat didn't show up for dinner, they had no idea where he went. Thanks to his microchip,…
Couple Saves Cat With All Four Paws Frozen To The Ground [VIDEO] Temperatures in a Russian town plunged to -31 degrees Fahrenheit when a cat's paws froze to the ground. Thanks to…
Duck Cares For Abandoned Kittens Until New Foster Mama Cat Adopts Them Five newborn kittens were found underneath a pet duck next to her eggs. The kittens were then paired with a…
Stray Cat Finds Job As Chief Mouser At British Foreign Affairs Office A cat named Palmerston who was found on the streets now has a job in a British government office fighting…
Kitten Rescued From Sewer With Water Pressure And A Net A Public Works Department crew used water pressure to "flush" a kitten who was stuck in a sewer drain. The…